Thursday, July 19, 2007

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Response to Apartheid in South Africa

Responses to Aparthied in South Africa
My Group researched apartheid in South Africa from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. This was a easy assignment I felt because it was done on the computer and sent to a blog and we didn’t have to hand write anything and hand it in or anything. I also learned a lot about how African Americans were treated during apartheid in the 1960’s and 1980’s. Another thing I learned about apartheid in South Africa was the amount of land taking over by whites and how whites (Afrikaners) toke advantage of blacks.
First, I liked how this was done on the computer and we had time to do it in class in the computer lab. We also could do it at home and turn it in right away after we are done so we don’t have to turn it in later when its due we can turn it in and get it out of the way. Another reason why it is good that we did it on computer is we could share information and links through e-mail. I really liked the idea of having the assignment on the blog or computer.
One thing new that I learned about apartheid in South Africa during the 1960s and 1980s is the way whites (Afrikaners) treated blacks in South Africa with land and human rights were horrible in my opinion. Afrikaners like to take control of all South African land and use it for farming, retrieving diamonds and gold. Then when Africans would ask for land back or say something the Afrikaners would give them land back but it would be a pieces of Bantustans. This meant a piece of bad land, hardly farmable or useable.
Another thing I learned was the amount of land and things these Afrikaners would take away from blacks in South Africa. These Afrikaners would take almost 75% of the useable land for farming, retrieving diamonds and gold and the other 25% was given back to the Africa or just still being used and it would be useless or not enough land for there needs and there population of people. In conclusion, I liked doing this blog because it was a short assignment but I learned a lot for researching on my own with a 3 partners and doing the assignment over the computer and through e-mail.

Liz's Reflection (continued)

The blacks and whites are no DIFFERENT from one another but in this time the whites were blinded by what a government had created and supported. The whites saw and did what they believed was right and in the ended wounded themselves from the truth of the matter. I do believe that in order to move on we must first except the past for the past and forgive those who have wronged or hurt us. For if we do not stop this hate, then it will continue and more wrongs and pain will be caused. The world has endured enough of our differences and arguments. It is time to stop.

We are the same in this world, we are all created equal and as equals we are one. We are no different from the person who sits or stands next to us, but we are unique in are own ways that define us as individuals and as citizens of the United States. I feel pain and sorrow for those who have had to endure such losses in these matters. I believe that one person can make a DIFFERENCE, but what DIFFERENCE will that person choose to make? That question is yet unanswered.

Liz's Reflection

The apartheid in South Africa to me is so important because it shows and outlines that in history those who are different from each other are treated as such in that way. The people in South Africa were separated from each other because of the color of there skin and the family in which they were born into. Why? Is it so, to punish an innocent because of the color or family they were born into because of a rule or a person’s personal interests or ideas. Why must people see how they choose to see and not think of others around them? We live in a world that has been fighting against one another since the beginning of creation. From caveman to people, from people to emperors, From Emperors to kings and from kings to madmen. Our world has been lead by people who have fought with bloodshed and hatred toward a race or a group of people who have tried and fought for a DIFFERENCE.

In the time of the apartheid in South Africa it was no different; they fought for freedom and endured the humiliation, pain and mistreatment that the white’s inflicted upon them. They went through punishment for crimes that they did not commit. They were treated and handled as slaves and paid as so to. They were the ones who in the end lost more then anything the whites could have ever lost, but the one thing that they gained above everything else was a lifetime of freedom.

This event in history made me reflect on everything that I have learned this year in history. The events from the fall of Rome and Europe, to the death and sickness of the plague, to the marching of WW1 and the bloodshed of WW2, these plagues and battles to me were fought with misunderstanding and the search for power. The event that will remain with me forever will be the holocaust, not for the types of punishment that the Jews had to endure but the pain that crosses my mind at the thought of the amount of pain and suffering that they had to withstand. These events are so much connected to one another because of the fighting between the differences of races, an idea’s of a group of people and the madness and power that one person wanted to seek. I will forever remember what I have learned this year and the events I learned about.

The Apartheid in South Africa to me means so much because the pain and the idea’s that these two different races had to endure and set forth from one another. These races were too apart to realize the damage that they were causing to the ones they should have been embracing as friends. The blacks and whites

Maegan's Reflection [rough draft]

Before this project, I had only watched a movie about the Apartheid, and that movie, was on Disney channel. Meaning, I knew nothing but the highlighted notes about the Apartheid. Now, I know about the Apartheid and about the horrible discrimination that African American's had to go through. People in South Africa, had their human rights taken away, because of the color of their skin, and the fact that they were not from European decent. Everyone was catagorized into groups that signified what powers and privlidges you had. Also, people had to move out of their homes becuase of the Apartheid.

First off, the color of your skin determined whether you could go into
I thought that I knew a lot about apartheid in South Africa, but I was wrong. For instance, a lot of the people in South Africa were discriminated against just because they were not of European descent. Also, everyone in South Africa was classified into a certain racial group. Lastly, during the 1960’s to early 1980’s, people were forced to move their homes into different areas of South Africa.

First, many people in south Africa were discriminated against just because they were not of European descent. The people that were of European descent in South Africa did not want the people that weren’t, to have any voting rights. Since most of the people that weren’t of European descent barely had any voting rights to start off, It was very unfair for them. All of this started in 1948, and it finally ended from a series of negotiations that lasted from 1990 to 1993.

Next, everyone in South Africa was classified into a certain racial category. The main ones there were black, white, colored, and Asian. The whites had the most power and made the rules in South Africa. The whites basically discriminated against everyone else. They were not able to vote or go to the same school systems as the whites.

Lastly, during the 1960’s to the 1980’s people were forced to move their group areas to different areas. This was known as resettlement. During resettlement, over three and a half million people were forced to move. Some of the people that were forced to move included labor tenants on white farms, inhabitants of black spots, and surplus people. Resettlement was a sad and terrible event.

So in conclusion, people in South Africa were discriminated against because they were not of European descent, people were classified into certain racial categories, and during the 1960’s to the early 1980’s people were forced to move their homes into different areas of South Africa. After completing this research, I can now see how terrible apartheid is.

By scott martin

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Reflection

Apartheid has a different meaning to everyone. For some, it may stir anger, for others, it may stir sadness, and some people don't even care to help these people that have their rights taken away, and they are seen as inhuman. Why? Who knows? They only reason that they are discriminated is because either their skin color, religion, beliefs, and the way they look. For example, the holocaust, the Nazis made children's books, that near the end cover of the book, it told the kids what the difference between what a "true blood, Aryan" race and a Jew looked like. Thats just ludicrous! Why would you teach children how to be racist?! That just doesn't make any sense!

Apartheid is an extremely bad event that still continues on today. It is similar to the Holocaust. Like the Holocaust, African Americans were discriminated because their skin color is black, and not white, and to the Caucasians, this was seen as: "They are different than we are! Their skin is black! They can't possibly be humans!" So they were treated differently. Why, no, how can you treat someone differently only because they look different? Everyone in the world looks different from one another, the only exception would be twins. But still even with skin color, everyone has a different shade, no one has exactly the same to skin colors.

Apartheid affects me badly because it makes me think. It makes me think about the evil people that started this whole thing in the first place. People make people follow their beliefs, because anyone that doesn't follow them is now "in their way" and that person is destroyed.

For example, the Ku Klux Klan strongly dislikes people of the African American race. Why? Because they are different. But, in reality, African Americans are no different than Asians, Caucasians, Europeans, or anyone else in the world. The major differences are: Skin color, religions (in some cases), and beliefs. The leader of the Ku Klux Klan was recently set free from jail for "good behavior." What the heck is wrong with this people? HES THE LEADER OF THE KU KLUX KLAN AND YOU LET HIM OUT EARLY FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR?!?!?! Thats just a mistake! Why would you set free the leader of such a terrible organization? Now that I don't understand.

~Steve Cottle