Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Liz's Reflection (continued)

The blacks and whites are no DIFFERENT from one another but in this time the whites were blinded by what a government had created and supported. The whites saw and did what they believed was right and in the ended wounded themselves from the truth of the matter. I do believe that in order to move on we must first except the past for the past and forgive those who have wronged or hurt us. For if we do not stop this hate, then it will continue and more wrongs and pain will be caused. The world has endured enough of our differences and arguments. It is time to stop.

We are the same in this world, we are all created equal and as equals we are one. We are no different from the person who sits or stands next to us, but we are unique in are own ways that define us as individuals and as citizens of the United States. I feel pain and sorrow for those who have had to endure such losses in these matters. I believe that one person can make a DIFFERENCE, but what DIFFERENCE will that person choose to make? That question is yet unanswered.

1 comment:

Serenity said...

please read Liz's reflection before reading this. This is the continued and finished ending to myh prevous post!! Comment me PLease!!!!!

-Liz D