Sunday, June 10, 2007

Who was involved? Was the government leadership directing this event? Did they issue any materials similar to the Nuremburg Laws?

--The Apartheid in South Africa was clearly led by the government. There were laws that were enforced by the police made to degrade and segregate black people economically, socially and politically. These laws included the creation of "white only jobs", restrictions on where black citizens could go, and making it illegal to marry interracially. Nelson Mandela was against these laws and was a leader within the black community to help regain their rights. He was arrested in 1962 and held in jail for 28 years.
--The Apartheid began in 1948 when Daniel F. Malan became Prime Minister. He had formed the Purified Nationalist party in 1934 and was a strong believer in white superiority. He first introduced and put into action the apartheid policy. In 1954 another Prime Minister was appointed who also supported the Apartheid, J.G. Strijdom. He actually altered the balance of the senate in order to get the necessary votes to pass new apartheid laws. Strijdom was also the one that made it illegal for black citizens to vote.

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