Monday, June 11, 2007


The apartheid in south Africa was such a horrible event. the apartheid wus bad because its was all about colored segregation. i think this was bad because i beleive in equel rights.the events that made this suck a bad event was segregation and colored rights.

these laws showed racial segregation because they put all arfican citizans into different catigories. they were white colored and black. you were put into theis catigories based on your race and or ethnic backround. i think that this was bad and not nesisary. these laws were pointless because you cant really descriminate and hate someone just beacuse of something as stupid of their skin color.

my feelings about this time period are very strongly tward the black and colored segregation. i feel this way because i feel that it is not right at all that they put these people through this just beacause of there natinal race.

by matt garafolo

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